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Below is a list of my guidelines, and information on how I try to create an accessible space. If you have specific access needs, please let me know in advance and I will do what I can with the resources that I have. It is a high priority of mine to find ways and spaces that can accommodate all types of access needs.


I do not discriminate based on race, class, ability, body size, gender identity/presentation, sexual orientation, trauma history, lifestyle, sex-worker status and spiritual/religious background.  I consider these all issues of accessibility and I take responsibility to prevent any discomfort but also address any issues that may come up whether it be from myself or the people around my work space. If anything comes up, I am open to suggestions for how to approach the situation in a way that is comfortable for you. 


In my space I do not tolerate the use of language that is homophobic, fat phobic, body negative, transphobic, ableist, islamophobic, sex work negative, sex negative, classist, sexist, or racist. I ask that all clients and colleagues remain respectful to this policy. This will help me in creating the safe and comfortable environment I'm dedicated to providing to my clients and colleagues.



Some, but not all of my locations are wheelchair accessible. If there is not one that you can access, we can try to arrange a home visit. If you need to bring a PA to help you on and off the couch, please feel free to do so

If you have difficulties with hearing and would prefer to have written/typed documents describing plans for the session, please let me know in advance and I will make sure that is provided for you!

If you might have trouble communicating otherwise, feel free to bring a friend, loved one, PA, translator...etc

I use simple, organic base oils only with no added scents or essential oils and I change my sheets after each session. The oils I provide are Olive oil, Almond oil and Coconut Oil. Please inform me of any allergies if these are a problem. 

If you are sensitive to certain lights, sounds or colors, let me know in advance and I will try to make a welcoming, comfortable and safe environment out of our treatment room for you.

I often play music during massage but if you have any music that is relaxing for you, please feel free to come with suggestions. If you prefer silence, that's not a problem!


I am aware that massage can bring up trauma feelings, so if you'd like to disclose any triggers you think could come up, we can find ways to talk about relaxation, anatomy and healing in ways that are most comfortable for you! If something comes up unexpectedly, (however big or small an issue) we can always stop, have a break, have a chat, change any aspect of the plan or phone a friend if needed.


It is ok to cry during massage!

We can communicate as little or as much as you'd like during massage.

It is fine to wear a binder during massage if that is how you feel most comfortable. If you have any questions about this, please email.

The Massage tables I have have vary in a weight capacity of 400 lbs. (181.4 kg.) to 600 lbs (272.15 kg.) please let me know if this will be an issue and we can discuss alternative options.

My sliding scale is a way to make massage accessible to those who are under-served and may not be able to afford regular bodywork. I ask that everyone pay honestly and to the top of their ability so that I can continue to afford to provide this accessible service to those who need it. If you have the means, please consider sponsoring a massage for someone who may not typically have access. Email to find out how!

If there are any other access concerns you think I should consider, please feel free to let me know. I thank you for your patience with me as I learn and find ways to create an accessible environment.

CANCELLATION POLICY: Life happens! and I'm more than happy to do what I can to accommodate for emergencies and illnesses. For full transparency,  I am an independent therapist who pays a daily rent for the use of my space. I can only work on days where I will make enough to cover transport, rent and make a sufficient amount of income for myself. A cancellation, for whatever reason, may impact my ability to make any profit. I ask people to be mindful of my time and cancel within 24 hours of the appointment to avoid a $10-20 cancellation fee. With 24 hours notice, I can usually fill the open slot or decide to cancel the work day if i will not make profit. I appreciate your consideration and am happy to answer any questions about why and when to cancel.

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