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Getting bodywork can be nerve wracking, I know! It can feel intimidating and hard to tell how to behave and what to do. Here are a few tips to help you figure out what to expect and how to prepare.

  • Please reschedule your session if you are sick!

  • All clients must be vaccinated against COVID-19. 

  • Please show up for your appointment no earlier than 5mins before your session time. If I am in with a client, I will not be able to let you in any earlier than 5mins before your appointment starts.

  • Please know if you are more than 10mins late, we may not be able to complete the full scheduled appointment time. 

  • Please let me know ahead of time if you have any open wounds, recent injuries or surgeries, rashes, burns, recent sunburn, blisters, acne, bug bites etc. If there is any risk of infection, it may be best for me to use gloves, avoid or cover any affected areas or to reschedule the appointment.

  • Consider having a shower before your appointment. If you come straight from a workout, or from work, we risk spreading harmful bacteria from one part of your body to another. 

  • Please do not show up with another person. I cannot have unattended guests in the waiting area during our session. This includes children. (If you require a carer due to disability, please let me know in advance.)

  • I wash or sanitize my hands between each client and if I remove my mask, touch my face or use the restroom.

  • When you arrive, I will ask you to wash your hands or sanitize.

    At this time, I am requiring all clients to wear a mask for the entire duration of their visit. If you do not have a mask, I will provide you with one.

  • We will always have a short discussion in the room before the session begins. When we are done chatting, I will leave the room to give you some privacy to get comfortable on the table. During this time you may remove any and all clothing if you'd like, but you are not required to! nothing is "normal" or "abnormal" if you'd like to keep your clothes on, I recommend wearing comfortable, breathable, loose fitting clothing.

  • I will give you a couple minutes to get comfortable on the table and then I will knock loudly before I come in. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and prefer a text message, I will happily send a text to check if you are ready.

  • If you need to stop to use the restroom in the middle of your massage, that's totally ok! It may take some hands-on time away from the session but please don't ignore your body's needs! 

  • You can ask for a water drinking break at any time.

  • If something is not feeling quite right (for ANY reason) we can always pause for a break or stop the session completely. 

  • Bodywork can feel very intimate. I am a pretty open and friendly person, but if we don't know each other well, please be mindful of sharing personal information or asking personal questions unprompted. If you feel that I am asking for or sharing information that is too personal and uncomfortable, please let me know. I am very open to this criticism. 

  • I have a strict rule about not flirting with or dating clients. I ask that clients respect this boundary and recognize the relationship as a professional one of care. If you feel that I have overstepped this boundary, I am happy to listen and take a conversation about this very seriously.

  • Tips are welcomed and appreciated but not required. 

CANCELLATION POLICY: Life happens! and I'm more than happy to do what I can to accommodate for emergencies and illnesses. For full transparency,  I am an independent therapist who pays a daily rent for the use of my space. I can only work on days where I will make enough to cover transport, rent and make a sufficient amount of income for myself. A cancellation, for whatever reason, may impact my ability to make any profit. I ask people to be mindful of my time and cancel within 24 hours of the appointment to avoid a $10-20 cancellation fee. With 24 hours notice, I can usually fill the open slot or decide to cancel the work day if i will not make profit. I appreciate your consideration and am happy to answer any questions about why and when to cancel.

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